Derek: Holy Roller Happy Hamstrings (25 min)
Holy Rollers
If your hamstrings aren't happy now, they will be in 25 minutes. This straight forward flow and self massage will give you a nice little hit of hamstring love. All you need is a foam roller (or double roller / peanut style roller / or even a big heafy towel rolled up into a towel roller) and less than 30 minutes.
Up Next in Holy Rollers
Derek: Holy Roller T-Spine for Hamstr...
Hamstrings are not an island, and sometimes lack of mobility can be affected by all different parts of the body. This little flow incorporates some self myofascial release work for the T-spine in an attempt to give the hamstrings a little more space. Short and simple but super powerful. You'll...
Derek: Holy Roller, Heavenly Shoulder...
Miles: Holy Roller: Is That A Ball In...
20 Min. Open level. Have a ball. We roll out the foot, calves and hamstrings and then do a little power warm up to leave you feeling open in the legs, strong and warm in the body and ready for your day. Enjoy!